
Myopia Treatment

Pediatric Ophthalmologist & Strabismus Specialist located in Plano, TX

Myopia Treatment
Myopia Treatment services offered in Plano, TX

Myopia treatment can help nearsighted children manage the rate at which their vision deteriorates. Experienced eye doctor Lori Dao, MD, offers selected treatments for myopia at Pediatric Ophthalmology Partners of Texas in Plano, Texas. After a thorough assessment, Dr. Dao might recommend myopia treatment in addition to corrective eyeglasses. Call Pediatric Ophthalmology Partners of Texas to learn more about myopia treatment or schedule a consultation using the online booking form.

What is myopia?

Myopia is the medical name for nearsightedness, where you have difficulty seeing things clearly unless they’re close to you. It’s a common problem affecting around half the United States population and becoming increasingly common in children.

Myopia occurs when a child’s eye shape develops differently. In this case, the eye might be longer from front to back, or the cornea (the eye’s clear front section) curves too steeply. The result of these differences is that everything far away looks blurry.

Experts theorize that the rise in pediatric myopia levels could be due to the increased time children spend using computers and doing close work, whereas previous generations spent more time doing outdoor activities. 


Why would my child need myopia treatment?

While myopia is correctable with prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses, it’s irreversible. In addition, having myopia in childhood increases the risk of conditions like glaucoma (excessive pressure in the eyeball), cataracts, and retinal detachment in later life.

If your child requires corrective lenses for nearsightedness, myopia treatment could help to slow down the rate at which the problem worsens. Dr. Dao can advise if your child would benefit from myopia treatment.


What myopia treatment might my child need?

The most common myopia treatments include:

Low-dose atropine eye drops

Atropine medication used for 2-3 years in small amounts can slow myopia’s progress. It’s unclear exactly how it works, but it likely prevents the eye from continuing to lengthen.

Peripheral defocus contact lenses

These multifocal contact lenses are suitable for children aged 6-12. They have varying areas of focus, forming different rings. In the center, the lens corrects blurred distance vision, while the outer rings make the child’s peripheral (side) vision blurry. 

Blurring peripheral vision helps slow myopia’s progress in some children. It can be effective for children whose parents are myopic and whose nearsightedness is worsening.


Also known as ortho-k, this myopia treatment involves wearing special contact lenses overnight. The lenses flatten the child’s corneas slightly while they sleep so they can focus more clearly the following day. The effects are temporary because the cornea returns to its former shape if it stops wearing the lenses.

To learn more about myopia treatments, call Pediatric Ophthalmology Partners of Texas or book an appointment online today.